Simulated Gastrointestinal Absorption and Metabolite Analysis of Policosanol
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To investigate the gastrointestinal absorption and metabolite analysis of policosanol in vitro and in vivo, single-phase static gastrointestinal simulation system, in situ circulating intestinal perfusion in rats and integral animal experiments were conducted. The results showed that policosanol could be metabolized into three saturated fatty acids including C12:0, C16:0 and C18:0 in the single-phase static gastrointestinal simulation system. Compared with artificial gastric juice, artificial intestinal juice degraded 42% more policosanol, which was converted to the saturated fatty acid. In intestinal system of rat, policosanol could be absorbed easily by the intestinal tract of rats, and the Papp value of policosanol was 7.02×10-2 cm/min. Moreover, policosanol were able to be brokn down into fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids in the intestinal tract. In the integral animal experiments, at 1, 4, 12 hours after oral gavage of 100 mg/kg policosanol, the alkanol and its metabolites fatty acid could be identified in the serum of mice, which may contribute to regulate serum fatty acid levels and increase the serum level of some unsaturated fatty acids. In summary, our results revealed that policosanol can be metabolized and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and can also be detected in the animal body in the form of prototypes or metabolites, affecting the level of fatty acids in the body, which may be the basis for its lipid regulation function.