Formulation Optimization of Beef Pie Using Gel Oil Instead of Fat
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In order to optimize the formulation of a gel oil instead of fat, the rapeseed based gel oil with different concentrations of beeswax (2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%) instead of fat was prepared to produce beef cake. The influence of four factors on the sensory evaluation of beef cake was analyzed by single factor experiment, including gel oil concentration, compound phosphate content, carrageenan gum content and water content. The best formula of beef cake was optimized by orthogonal experiment and fuzzy mathematics evaluation method. The results showed that the gel oil concentration was 10%, the composite phosphate content was 0.3%, the carrageenan content was 0.3%, and the water content was 20%. Under these conditions, the comprehensive evaluation score of the gel cake instead of fat was as high as 87.60. Based on the comprehensive evaluation system constructed by fuzzy mathematics and orthogonal experiment, the best formula of gel oil instead of fat was optimized, which can provide a theoretical basis for the processing of new meat products.