A Kinetic Study on the In Vitro Simulated Digestion of Gummy Vitamin C and Calcium Candies
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An in vitro simulated digestion model was used to study the release kinetics of the functional components, calcium and vitamin C, from their gummy candy vehicles. The microstructure of gummy candies was characterized, and the effect of dietary components on the release of functional components of the gummy candy in a simulated gastric juice was investigated. The results showed that the disintegration time of the gummy calcium and vitamin C candy was 155 min and 22 min, respectively. The functional component, Vitamin C, was released gradually and reached up to 93.6% in 2 h, and the calcium component was released almost 100% within 30 min. Both gummy candies exhibited a basic colloidal network structure, but differed in the morphology of network structure. The release kinetics of vitamin C was best matched by Higuchi's fitting effect, which was consistent with the release law of sustained-release preparation, whilst the gummy calcium candy was best fitted with the first-order kinetics. In addition, it was found that the gastric juice containing 5% starch slowed down the release of the functional component, Vitamin C, from the gummy candy, but other dietary ingredients had no significant effect on its release. The digestion and release characteristics of the gummy calcium candy in simulated gastric juice were not affected by the dietary ingredients. Results of this study indicate that compared with tablets and hard capsules, the disintegration time and release rate upon digestion of the gummy candies were slower and exhibited a somewhat sustained-release effect.