Current Development in Analytical Methods for Organic Acids, Monosaccharides and Oligosaccharides in Fruits: A Review
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As the major flavor substances in fruit products, the contents of organic acids, monosaccharides and oligosaccharides are critical indexes in postharvest preservation. The physiological features of fruits in postharvest can be presented by contents of organic acids and small-molecular sugars. These substances had been emphatically concentrated in postharvest investigation. Due to the high efficiency and accessibility to automatic analysis, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has occupied the mainstream of analytical methods for organic acids and small-molecular sugars. This review article summarized the features including: the introducing of organic solvent and solid phase extraction (SPE) in pretreatment; universal and specialized packing materials as stationary phase; selecting of detector according to spectrometry properties of analytes, of HPLC based analytical methods for organic acids and small-molecular sugars in the investigations about postharvest preservation of fruits.