Development and Application of a High-resolution Method to Determine Trans Fatty Acids in Commercially Available Edible Oil
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A high resolution method to determine trans fatty acids was established, and was used to examine the content and types of trans fatty acids in commercially available edible oil. Good chromatographic separation of four trans linoleic acid isomers, eight trans linolenic acid isomers, and 37 common fatty acids could be achieved using a high-polarity HP-88 gas chromatography (GC) column under optimized chromatographic conditions. Moreover, the peaks of trans fatty acids and common cis fatty acids did not overlap in the same detection conditions; thus, a high-resolution analysis of fatty acid (including trans fatty acid) composition was possible. The main brands of commercially available edible oil products all contain trans fatty acids. Blended oil, peanut oil, and soybean oil contained 2~3% trans fatty acids (the trans linolenic acid content was between 1.5~2%); corn oil and sunflower oil contained 0.7~2% trans linoleic acid; rice oil contained the highest trans fatty acid content, close to 4%. Additionally, the trans fatty acid content in camellia oil and olive oil were generally below 0.5%. The types of trans fatty acid isomers in each oil sample also differed.