Effect of Staphylococcus and Micrococcus on Residual Nitrite and Color of Cantonese Sausages
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Two beneficial bacterial strains (Staphylococcus H33B and Micrococcus X142B) were isolated from Cantonese sausage and inoculated into fresh sausages to investigate the effects of the starter culture on residual nitrite and meat color, as well as nitrosomyoglobin and metmyoglobin content. Ultraviolet (UV)-visible (Vis) spectroscopy was then used to determine if the starter culture could convert metmyoglobin into nitrosylmyoglobin (NO-Mb). The results indicated that inoculation with single or multiple-strain starter culture increased the amount of NO-Mb in Cantonese sausages. Lower residual nitrite and metmyoglobin content was also observed as compared to that for the control and the optimal effect was observed when the Staphylococcus:Micrococcus ratio was 2:1. UV-Vis spectroscopy showed that Staphylococcus reduced metmyoglobin to NO-Mb, indicated by an absorption spectrum characteristic of NO-Mb, while the nitrite content was also at a minimum. Thus, Staphylococcus H33B caused greater reduction of myoglobin, which subsequently reacted with nitrite to produce more nitric oxide, further reducing nitrite concentration and improving the color of the Cantonese sausages.