Removal of Citrinin from Drinking Water by Powdered Activated Carbon in Emergency Pollution Incidents
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The impact of different citrinin concentrations on pH, refractive index, conductivity and optical activity of drinking water was investigated. Additionally, the effect of activated carbon on removal of citrinin contamination from polluted drinking water was studied to provide technical support during emergency pollution incidences. The results showed that when the concentration of citrinin was in the range of 1 to 50 mg/L, pH of drinking water declined significantly, while the refractive index increased linearly. Conductivity increased significantly between 0.1 and 10 mg/L of citrinin, but no optical activity was observed. The impact of citrinin on pH, refractive index, and conductivity can be used as indicators for monitoring drinking water for contamination by citrinin. Comparison of two types of activated carbon showed that the powdered form removed citrinin more effectively than the granular one. The optimal conditions for removal of citrinin from drinking water included 0.8 g/L powdered, activated carbon and 5-min duration of treatment, resulting in 109.86% removal efficiency. Powdered, activated carbon removed citrinin rapidly and efficiently. Therefore, it has potential for use during emergency pollution incidents wherein drinking water is contaminated by citrinin.