Research Progress on Arsenic Species in Seafood and Their Metabolic Mechanisms
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Arsenic in seafood enters the human body by a process of food chain enrichment. The arsenic species detected in seafood include arsenide (As(III)), arsenate (As(V)), arsenocholine (AsC), arsenobetaine (AsB), arsenosugars, and arsenolipids. Arsenic species are metabolized through various pathways and result in different metabolites and toxicities. High-performance liquid chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) was used to analyze arsenic species in seafood. The metabolites of AsC, a type of organic arsenic, were mainly AsB and arsenolipids. AsB could be excreted through urine. Each arsenolipid has different metabolites. More than 12 arsenic species were found as metabolites of arsenosugars, of which dimethylarsinic acid (DMA(V)) was the most common. The pentavalent methylated DMA(V), and trivalent methylated DMA(III) were the final metabolites of inorganic arsenic species. Cooking methods affect the concentration of total arsenic and the form of arsenic. Some methods can result in increased toxicity. Therefore, to prevent excessive intake of toxic forms of arsenic, effective measures including reducing seafood intake, increasing intervals between seafood meals, daily intake of specific nutrients, and choosing optimal cooking methods, should be recommended to consumers.