Isolation of Allergens in Nuts and Analysis on Western Blotting
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Acetone and ethyl ether solvent were used to degrease of different kinds of nuts, then the allergen were isolated from the defatted nuts. The concentration and molecular weight of allergenic proteins were tested by the BCA protein kit and SDS-PAGE. Western –blotting was adopted for the identification of nut allergens. Results showed that the extracted concentration of the protein of white sesame, black sesame seed, walnut, cashew and pistachios were 14 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL, 8 mg/mL, 28 mg/ mL and 21 mg/ mL, respectively. In addition, the molecular weight of each allergenic protein from the obove-mentioned five nuts were 15 ku, 34 ku, 19 and 37 ku, 13 ku, 13 and 21 ku, respectively. The Western - blotting method showed allergenic reaction to patients with positive mixed serum. Nut allergy had homology, and the main allergens of sesame, cashew nuts, walnut and pistachios were at 22, 20, 54 and 23 ku.