Identification and Biodiversity of Lactic Acid Bacteria Species in Sani Dairy Cake and Acid Whey for Dairy Cake in Yunnan
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Lactic acid bacteria were isolated from 25 goat milk cakes and 5 acid whey samples produced in Shilin, Yunnan, to investigate evolutionary path of lactic acid bacteria and the genetic relationship between different bacterial strains. The bacteria were then identified by combination of sequencing 16S rRNA gene and the classical identification methods. Among 73 strains isolated from 30 samples, 46 Bacilli were of 13 strains from 4 different genera. And 27 Cocci were of 9 strains from 5 different genera goat milk cakes, among which Lactobacillus plantarum and Weissella confuse were dominant strains accounting for the 19.18% and 15.07%, respectively of these isolated strains. Lactic acid bacteria was diversity, which might be due to geographical environment, geomorphic feature, climate condition, producing method, curd time, living habits, milk containers and sanitary condition of Yunnan-Sani.