Gelling Properties of the Surimi Induced by Ultra-high Pressure
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Effect of pressures on the textural properties, solubility, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and TCA-soluble peptides of gels from threadfin bream (Nemipterus bleekeri) surimi were investigated and compared with heat-induced surimi gels. According to the result, the increased gel strength of surimi gels was observed with the increasing of the pressure. Surimi gels induced by pressure 600 MPa possessed the highest gel-strength of 429.775 g?cm, being 23.03% higher than that of the heat-induced gel. Pressure-induced surimi gels had significant lower hardness and chewiness but higher cohesiveness than heat-induced gels. Higher springiness could be achieved when pressure was beyond 200 MPa. Pressure-induced surimi gels had higher water-holding ability but lower whiteness than heat-induced gels. Higher solubility and MHC band intensity of surimi gels treated with pressurization were observed than those of gels treated with heating, indicating that endogenous transglutaminase might be inactived under pressurization and thus result in the decrease ofε-(γ-glutamyl) lysine linkage formation. The content of TCA-soluble peptide of pressure-induced gels were lower than that of heat-induced gels, suggesting the endogenous proteolysis protease in surimi which could result in gel-weakening might be inactived by high pressure. The above results demonstrated that tender surimi gels with higher springiness and gel strength could be induced by high pressure, which might be due to its inhibitory effect on the activity of the endogenous proteolysis proteinase in surimi.