Effect of Different Drying Technologies on Qualities of Jinmudan Oolong Tea
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In this study, traditional drying, multiple drying and microwave drying were applyed to Jinmudan Oolong tea drying. Biochemical components and aroma compositions of the tea samples were different when different drying technologies were employed. The use of microwave drying gave lower contents of tea polyphenols and soluble sugar but higher content of amino acid that the traditional method. The aroma components were extracted by SDE and analyzed by GC-MS. It was found that types of tea aroma components in microwave drying (41 kinds) were less than those by the traditional drying (48 kinds). The main aroma components of Jin Guan-yin oolong tea included nerolidol, methyl linolenate, alpha-afarnesene, indole, 5 - hydroxy decanoic acid lactone, beta - benzene ethanol, palmitic acid, phytol, phenyl acetaldehyde, and cis-jasmone. Nerolidol was shown to be the aroma components with the highest content in Jin Guan-yin oolong tea, which accounted for 39.72%, 35.68% and 43.9%. Although the traditional drying method can well maintain the quality of Jinmudan oolong tea, microwave drying was more convenient for practical processing and also resulted in good quality of Jinmudan oolong tea .