Antimicrobial and Adhesion Properties of Four Lactobacillus Strains
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The present work explored the antimicarobial and adhesion property of four lactobacillus strains with probiotic potential and compared with the typical probiotic L. rhamnosus GG, by investigation of their acid and bile torelance, antibiotic susceptiblity, antagonism against important gastrointestinal pathogens and their ability of adhere to Caco-2 cell. Lactobacillus casei 142 and L. plantarum 89 can survived in both the acidic and bile salt environments. All lactobacillu strains tested were sensitive to the antibiotics used in this investigation and had strong antimicrobial effect against the pathogens. L.plantarum 89, L.plantarum 27 and L.plantarum 13 showed strong adhension abilities, with their adhension capacity to the Caco-2 cell being of >20 cfu/cell. However, L. casei 142 showed no adhesion ablity to Caco-2 cells. The results suggested the probiotic potential of the four strains.