Properties of Waxy Corn Starch Treated in Different Aanhydrous Alcohols with Hydrochloric Acid
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The physicochemical properties of waxy corn starch was studied before and after treated in anhydrous alcohols with acid. Waxy corn starch was treated in anhydrous methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol and 1-butanol with hydrochloric acid. The results showed that the surface was porous after starch acid-alcohol treated, and the fissure on the surface of granules could be observed with the increasing of carbon number of alcohol. Acid-alcohol treatment decreased syneresis and the swelling power and increased the solubility as the increasing of carbon number of alcohol from ethanol to 1-butanol. The X-diffraciton pattern did not changed, but the intensities of the major d-spacings decreased after acid-alcohol treatment. The foregoing data showed starch could be made more susceptible to acid hydrolysis in different alcohols from methanol to 1-butanol.