Screening and Identification of Strains in Situ Kitchen Waste Treatment
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Two amylase-producing bacteria strains named Bacillus thuringiensis TKFW r8 and Bacillus subtilis TKFW 10004 , and two protease-producing bacteria strains named Bacillus cereus. Frankland TWKF 11014 and Bacillus nattoTWKF 11002, were screened from 27 strains of the laboratory tested strains according to the principle of the enzyme good production and no antagonism. The 4 strains, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen , TKFW 13024) and Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus plantarum, TWKF 12006) were combined to deal with Kitchen waste in spring. Results showed kitchen waste smelled wine fragrance without foul odour, It indicated that the kitchen waste in situ treatment had certain reduction effect and avoided the secondary pollution. To ensure biosafety of the strains, the unknown strain named TKFW r8 was identified to be Bacillus thuringiensis with 16S rDNA sequence analysis.