Anti-fungal Activity of Walnut Green Husk Extracts
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Walnut green husk contains abundant types of secondary metabolites with antibacterial activity against fungi. Using walnut green husk as raw materials and organic solvent (ethanol, petroleum ether, butanol or ethyl acetate) as extraction regent, walnut green husk extracts was obtained and their inhibition effect on selected yeasts (Penicillium, Trichoderma, Malassezia and athlete's foot fungus) were investigated. Results showed that walnut green husk contained several kinds of active ingredients, such as juglone, polysaccharides and flavonoids.The concentration of each component in the extract was determined by spectrophotometer. Walnut green husk extracts by different solvents showed inhibitory effect on yeast, Penicillium and Trichoderma. Ethanol (95%) extracts of walnut green husk had significant inhibitory effect on athlete's foot fungus with inhibitory rate being of 59.64%. Butanol walnut green husk extract had inhibitory effects on the athlete's foot fungus and Malassezia. Comparative analysis of the anti-fungal activity and concentrations of active substances in walnut green husk extracts showed that juglone was the main active components in walnut green husk extracts.