The key process steps which can influence the texture, water-binding, oil-binding and sensory properties of processed cream cheese were studied, including melting temperature, time, shear rate, homogenization pressure and cooling. Results showed that temperature and time combination during melting had some impact on the property of processed cream cheese and agitation speed showed significant effects. The best melting conditions in this study was 80 ℃, 10 min and 900 r/min shear rate. Homogenization was one of the most important process parameter and had extremely significant impact on the texture and sensory of processed cream cheese. Sample witout homogenization was semi liquid with fluid property. The hardness and spreadability of product increased with the homogenization pressure and can meet the target requirement until homogenization pressure reached 20 MPa. Two cooling process method used in this study had no impact on the texture, sensory and internal syneresis of processed cream cheese and had very less impact of overall property of finished product.