Colloidal Gold Immunochromatographic Assay for Residual Sabutamol
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Colloidal gold immunochromatography assay can rapidly test residual subutamol in meat and animal feed. An anti-salbutamol antibody is conjugated to colloidal gold and placed on conjugate pad. Salbutamol-BSA antigen is coated on nitrocellulose membrane as test line (T line). Colloidal gold provides color to visualize antibody-antigen binding. If there is Salbutamol in the sample, it will bind gold-antibody conjugate and prevent its binding onto the Salbutamol-BSA antigen in the test line(T line) on membrane. As result, no color will be visible on test line on membrane. Otherwise, anti-salbutamol antibody conjugated to colloidal gold will bind the Salbutamol-BSA antigen leading to red color on test line. The color of test line indicates positive or negative result. With optimized reagents, the lowest limit of detection is 2ng/ml. The cross reaction with Clenbuterol is 2.67%. Results show in 3 minutes and are visible to naked eyes. This method provides a sensitive and specific detection approach for the presence of salbutamol in meat and animal feed on site.