该研究主要为了探究采后桃果实对异常威克汉姆酵母(Wickerhamomyces anomalus)处理后的响应机制,明确桃果实体内的代谢物种类变化,以期为异常威克汉姆酵母处理提高桃果实抗病机制提供理论依据。利用广泛靶向代谢组学技术,结合UPLC–MS/MS方法,对W. anomalus处理组与对照组的差异代谢物进行定性和定量分析。通过应用正交偏最小二乘-判别分析(OPLS-DA),构建判别模型,并据此筛选出关键的差异代谢物。最后通过绘制聚类热图、KEGG富集分析、主成分分析和相关性分析等,确定异常威克汉姆酵母处理后桃果体内关键差异代谢物质的变化。研究结果显示:W. anomalus处理组共筛选出175个差异代谢物,具体表现为115种代谢物含量增加,60种含量减少。这些差异代谢物涵盖了萜类、黄酮类、酚酸类化合物、生物碱、木脂素以及香豆素等多种类型。与抑菌、抗氧化、抵御生物和非生物胁迫、促进植物生长、抗植物衰老等功能相关的萜类、黄酮类、酚酸类、生物碱类次生代谢物质的积累,提高了桃果实的抗病能力。这些结果为未来拮抗酵母制剂的开发提供了可用信息。
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The purpose of this study is to explore the response mechanism of postharvest peach fruit to Wickerhamomyces anomalus treatment, and to clarify the changes of metabolites in peach fruit, so as to provide theoretical basis for improving the disease resistance mechanism of peach fruit treated with W anomalus. Based on extensive targeted metabonomics technology, UPLC-MS/MS/MS was used to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the differential metabolites between W. anomalus treatment group and control group, and the discriminant model was established by orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA), and the key differential metabolites were screened. Finally, the changes of key differential metabolites in peach fruit treated with W. anomalus were determined by drawing cluster thermogram, KEGG enrichment analysis, principal component analysis and correlation analysis. The results showed that 175 different metabolites were screened out in W. anomalus treatment group, with 115 metabolites increasing and 60 metabolites decreasing. These differential metabolites include terpenoids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, alkaloids, lignans and coumarins. The accumulation of secondary metabolites such as terpenoids, flavonoids, phenolic acids and alkaloids related to bacteriostasis, antioxidation, abiotic and biotic stress resistance, plant growth promotion, and plant senescence resistance has improved the disease resistance of peach fruit. These results provide useful information for the development of antagonistic yeast preparations in the future.