以藏羊羊排为原料制作手抓藏羊肉,探讨不同贮藏温度和贮藏时间对手抓藏羊肉食用品质和风味衰减的影响,发现冷冻贮藏能最大程度地减少手抓藏羊肉食用品质的劣变。利用顶空固相微萃取(SPME)和气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)的检测方法,对手抓藏羊肉中的挥发性风味物质进行检测。检测结果表明最佳工艺方法制作的手抓藏羊肉共检测出23种风味物质,主要为醛类、烷烃、酯类、酮类、醇类、烯烃、呋喃等;各贮藏条件对手抓藏羊肉的食用品质和风味衰减的影响顺序为:贮藏温度:常温(25 ℃)>冷藏(4 ℃)>冷冻(-20 ℃),贮藏时间:72 h>48 h>24 h。说明冷藏和冷冻可有效减缓风味物质在贮藏期间发生的劣变贮藏时间的延长。为手抓藏羊肉在加工和贮藏过程中的风味保存提供了理论依据。
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Tibetan mutton chops were used as the raw materials to make hand-pulled Tibetan mutton. The effects of different storage temperatures and storage times on the edible quality and flavour attenuation of hand-pulled Tibetan mutton were investigated. It was found that frozen storage could minimize the deterioration of the edible quality of hand-pulled Tibetan mutton. Headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to detect the volatile flavor substances in the hand-pulled mutton. The analysis results showed that a total of 23 flavour substances were detected in the handpulled mutton made by the optimal process, mainly aldehydes, alkanes, esters, ketones, alcohols, olefins and furans. The effects of storage conditions on the edible quality and flavour attenuation of the hand-pulled mutton were in the following order: storage temperature, ambient temperature (25 ℃) > refrigeration (4 ℃) > freezing (-20 ℃); storage time, 72 h > 48 h > 24 h. These results show that refrigeration and freezing can effectively slow down the deterioration of flavour substances during storage and prolong the storage time. It provides a theoretical basis for the preservation of the flavour of hand-pulled mutton during processing and storage.