为研制风味独特、营养健康的红枣银耳枸杞凝胶软糖,以软糖的感官评价为因变量,通过单因素实验和响应面法优化软糖的工艺配方,同时测定各实验组软糖的质构特性和色差参数,最后按照国家和行业标准进行了软糖微生物和理化指标的检测。单因素实验结果表明:明胶、黄原胶、红枣银耳枸杞混合浓缩汁和冰糖的最适添加量分别为6、0.75、55和45 g,魔芋胶对软糖感官评分的影响不大,添加量为3 g较为适宜;各因素对软糖咀嚼性、L*值、a* 值和b*值的影响规律与对感官评价一致;当软糖弹性在1.55~2.68 mm、胶粘性在1.83~2.80 N、咀嚼性在4.26~7.40 mj、色度参数L*值在30.41~50.56、a*值在8.06~11.29和b*值在7.32~10.87之间时,感官评分较佳。响应面优化最佳工艺配方为:明胶5.8 g、黄原胶0.75 g、红枣银耳枸杞混合浓缩汁56 g、冰糖44 g。软糖的菌落总数、大肠菌群、干燥失重和还原糖分别为829 CFU/g、27 MPN/100 g、21. 9 g/100 g和26.4 g/100 g,检测结果均符合要求。以最优配方工艺制备的红枣银耳枸杞凝胶软糖呈红棕色,有较好的透明度和咀嚼性,呈现浓郁的红枣风味和银耳枸杞香气。
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To develop jujube, tremella, and goji berry gel gummies with unique flavor and health benefits, the sensory evaluation was considered the dependent variable, and the processing and recipe of gummies were optimized via the singlefactor experiment and response surface method. The texture characteristics and color difference parameters of the gummies from each experimental group were simultaneously measured. Finally, the microbial and physicochemical indicators of gummies were tested according to national and industry standards. The single factor experimental results indicated that the optimal amounts of gelatin, xanthan gum, concentrated jujube juice, tremella, goji berries, and rock sugar to be added are 6, 0.75, 55, and 45 g, respectively. Furthermore, konjac gum had little effect on the sensory score of gummies; therefore, 3 g was recommended. The influence of various factors on the chewiness, L*, a*, and b* values of gummies was consistent with the sensory evaluation. The sensory score improved when the elasticity of the gummies was between 1.55~2.68 mm, adhesiveness was between 1.83~2.80 N, chewiness was between 4.26~7.40 mj, L*value was between 30.41~50.56, a* was between 8.06~11.29, and b* was between 7.32~10.87. The response surface method indicated that the optimal process and recipe were as follows: 5.8 g gelatin; 0.75 g xanthan gum; 56 g concentrated jujube juice, tremella, and goji berries; and 44 g rock sugar. The total colony count, coliforms, weight loss due to drying, and reducing sugar of gummies were 829 CFU/g, 27 MPN/100 g, 21.9 g/100 g, and 26.4 g/100 g, respectively, which all met the necessary requirements. The jujube, tremella, and goji berry gel gummies prepared with the optimum recipe exhibited a reddish brown color, good transparency and chewiness, strong jujube flavor, and an aroma of tremella and goji berries.