为研究红曲霉混合发酵对黄豆酱品质的影响,该文首先将米曲霉(郫酿M003)和红曲霉(PM001)分别制成黄豆曲,确定最佳制曲时间后,将两种黄豆曲混合发酵新型黄豆酱,通过对比分析和感官评价,对红曲霉混合发酵黄豆酱和传统黄豆酱的品质进行比较。结果表明,米曲霉和红曲霉的最佳制曲时间分别为48 h和72 h,两种黄豆曲中淀粉酶、酸性蛋白酶和中性蛋白酶活差异显著(P<0.05)。红曲霉混合发酵黄豆酱总酸、氨基酸态氮和还原糖含量均显著低于传统黄豆酱,且红曲霉混合发酵黄豆酱中红色素和橙色素含量高于传统黄豆酱,均在30.00 U/g以上,呈红棕色,色泽更鲜艳;米曲霉黄豆曲和红曲霉黄豆曲按照3:1的质量比混合发酵的黄豆酱(C)感官评分最高(90.75),品质更好。综上所述,红曲霉混合发酵黄豆酱较传统黄豆酱具有更好的色泽和风味品质。该研究可为黄豆酱品质改善提供数据参考。
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To explore the effect of the mixed fermentation of Monascus on the quality of soybean paste, soybean koji from Aspergillus oryzae (Pi niang M003) and Monascus (PM001) were prepared. After determining the optimal kojimaking time, the two kinds of soybean koji were mixed and fermented with the new soybean paste, and the quality of the mixed fermented soybean paste with Monascus was compared with the traditional soybean paste through comparative analysis and sensory evaluation. The results showed that the optimal koji-making time of A. oryzae and Monascus was 48 h and 72 h, respectively, and the activity of amylase, acid protease, and neutral protease in the two soybean koji were significantly different (P<0.05). The contents of total acid, amino acid nitrogen, and reducing sugar in the mixed fermented soybean paste were significantly lower than those in the traditional soybean paste, while the contents of red and orange pigment in the mixed fermented soybean paste were higher than those in the traditional soybean paste, all above 30.00 U/g, reddish-brown with a brighter color. The A. oryzae and Monascus soybean koji based on a 3:1 mass ratio that mixed and fermented soybean paste (C) achieved the highest sensory score (90.75); as well as demonstrating a better quality. In conclusion, Monascus mixed fermented soybean paste was found to achieve a better color and flavor quality than traditional soybean paste. These findings provides a basis for future improvements in the quality of soybean paste.