评估2020~2022年苍南县生产的农产品农药残留风险。采用食品安全指数法(Index of Food Safety, IFS)和危害物风险系数法(Hazard Risk Coefficient, R)对检出的农药残留进行风险评估。结果表明,977份样品,24份超标,超标率为2.46%;检出农药60种,14种农药检出率在10%以上;苍南县农产品I(—)F(—)S为3.83×10-2,安全状态可接受;综合评估,恩诺沙星、6-苄基腺嘌呤、4-氯苯氧乙酸钠、赤霉素为高风险,多菌灵、联苯菊酯为中风险;重新计算SIC(Safe Intake of C)值,豆芽SI6-benzyladenine,SI4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid sodium salt,SIgibberellin为4.14×10-5 mg/kg•bw,柑SIbifenthrin为4.14×10-5 mg/kg•bw。苍南县生产的农产品总体处于安全状态,综合评估IFSC 处于不可接受状态为超标样品,以IFSC评估可接受状态最大值1和农产品农药残留超标值,重新计算针对不同农产品类别的SIC值,为农产品质量安全监管提供科学依据,监管部门需加强对恩诺沙星等中高风险农药监管力度,加强对6-苄基腺嘌呤等禁限用农药的经营销售和使用监管,提高农户安全用药意识。
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The risks associated with pesticide residues on agricultural products cultivated in Cangnan County were assessed from 2020 to 2022. These risk assessments were performed utilizing the Index of Food Safety (IFS) and by calculating Hazard Risk Coefficients (R). Pesticide residues in 24 of the 977 samples (2.46%) exceeded the established standard. A total of 60 pesticides were detected, with detection rates >10% for 14 pesticides. The overall I(—)F(—)S of agricultural products in Cangnan is 3.83×10-2, indicating an acceptable safety level. Comprehensive evaluation suggests that enrofloxacin, 6-benzylaminopurine, 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid sodium salt and gibberellin are associated with high risks, whereas carbendazim and bifenthrin pose moderate risks. SIC (Safe Intake of C) values were recalculated, yielding SI6-benzyladenine, SI4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid sodium salt, and SIgibberellin values for mung bean sprouts of 4.14×10-5 mg/kg•bw, whereas the SIbifenthrin for tangerine is 4.14×10-5 mg/kg•bw. The agricultural products produced in Cangnan are generally safe to consume. The safety of samples with residue levels exceeding the standard according to the IFSC results are considered unacceptable, and are subject to comprehensive assessment. Based on the maximum acceptable IFSC value (1) and pesticide residue levels on examined agricultural products, the SIC values for different agricultural products were recalculated to provide a scientific basis for quality and safety monitoring of agricultural products. Regulatory authorities need to intensify the supervision of high- and moderate-risk pesticides such as enrofloxacin, to strengthen control at points of sale and use of prohibited pesticides, including 6-benzylaminopurine, and to increase farmers’ awareness of safe pesticide use.