以湖南地区家庭自制50余年泡菜液为样品,采用纯培养方法分离纯化得到乳酸菌。对分离得到的乳酸菌进行溶血活性检验,产酸性能测定,并研究高产酸菌株的耐酸耐胆盐、自聚集疏水性、抗氧化、降解亚硝酸盐、生长特性及生物安全性研究。结果表明,从泡菜样品中分离出来70株乳酸菌,检验出完全无溶血活性乳酸菌42株;筛选出高产酸性能乳酸菌9株,编号为JT1-31、JT1-21、JT1-12、JT1-25、JT1-6、JT1-16、JT1-34、JT3-23、JT3-10,通过16S rDNA鉴定,均为植物乳植杆菌(Lactiplantibacillus plantarum),菌株JT1-12耐酸性最好,pH值3.0时存活率为156.85%;菌株JT3-10耐胆盐能力最好,0.3%胆盐浓度存活率为145.04%;菌株JT1-16自聚集和疏水性最高,分别为66.13%和44.19%;菌株JT1-21的DPPH清除率最高,为51.93%;菌株JT1-25的α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制率最高,为20.36%;9株菌株亚硝酸盐降解率都较高,在90%以上,清除率最高的菌株是JT1-12,清除率为94.98%,通过产生物胺鉴定,9株菌株均不产生物胺。该研究表明,从传统泡菜中分离的9株植物乳植杆菌具有良好的益生潜能,为发掘食品源乳酸菌提供参考和依据。
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Hunan homemade kimchi water that had been stored for more than 50 years was used for screening and isolating strains of lactic acid bacteria using the culture-dependent method. The isolated strains were examined for their hemolytic activity and acid generation ability, whereas the high acid-producing strains were assessed for their tolerance to acid and bile salts, self-aggregation and hydrophobicity, antioxidant properties, nitrite degradation ability, growth properties, and biosafety. In total, 70 lactic acid bacterial strains were isolated from the kimchi samples, of which 42 did no exhibit hemolytic activity. Additionally, 16S rDNA sequence was used to screen and identify nine high acid-producing strains, which were designated JT1-31, JT1-21, JT1-12, JT1-25, JT1-6, JT1-16, JT1-34, JT3-23, and JT3-10. They all belonged to Lactiplantibacillus plantarum; strain JT1-12 showed the best acid resistance, with a survival rate of 156.85% at pH 3.0; strain JT3-10 exhibited the best bile salt tolerance, with a survival rate of 145.04% at 0.3% bile salt concentration; strain JT1-16 showed the highest self-aggregation and hydrophobicity at 66.13% and 44.19%, respectively; and strain JT1-21 exhibited the highest DPPH scavenging rate at 51.93%. The α-glucosidase inhibition rate of strain JT1-25 was the highest at 20.36%. The nitrite degradation rate of all nine strains was >90%, with JT1-12 exhibiting the highest removal rate at 94.98%. Evaluation of biogenic amine production indicated that none of the nine strains produced biogenic amines. This study identified nine strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional kimchi that exhibited good probiotic potential, providing a valuable reference and foundation for further inviestigation into lactic acid bacteria derived from food sources.