以麦芽糖醇水溶液为基础,添加纳米二氧化钛、硫酸钾和高吸水性树脂制备杏鲍菇专用蓄冷剂。通过DSC法测定该蓄冷剂的相变温度和相变潜热,通过T-t曲线和反复冻融实验测定其性能,并应用于杏鲍菇的贮藏保鲜。研制的蓄冷剂最终配方为:麦芽糖醇1.72%,硫酸钾2.09%,纳米二氧化钛0.01%,高吸水性树脂0.50%,其余为水。该配方蓄冷剂相变温度-1.64 ℃,相变潜热295.14 J/g,无过冷、相分离现象。应用于杏鲍菇的贮藏保鲜,依据感官分值、失重率、色泽、硬度、弹性等保鲜指标,蓄冷剂保鲜效果良好。其中,该蓄冷剂与食用菌的质量比为1:4时保鲜效果最佳,能显著降低杏鲍菇的各项生理生化反应,延缓其品质劣变。
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Based on the aqueous solution of maltitol and potassium sulfate, nano titanium dioxide and superabsorbent polymer are added to develop a phase change coolant. The onset temperature and phase enthalpy change of the coolant were measured by the DSC method, and then its properties were also measured by a T-t curve and repeated freezing and thawing tests. Results show the best formulation of the developed coolant is: maltitol 1,72%, potassium sulfate 2.09%, nanometer titanium dioxide 0.01%, superabsorbent polymer 0.50%. Its onset temperature is -1.64 ℃, the phase enthalpy change is 295.14 J/g. In addition, the phase change coolant is not overcooled and has no phase separation. The phase change coolant was applied to the storage of Pleurotus eryngii to test its preservation effect. During the storage, the temperature of the foam box was recorded, and the sensory score, weight loss rate, color, hardness, springiness of Pleurotus eryngii were measured every day. The result shows the coolant has good effect on the application of Pleurotus eryngii’s preservation, which can significantly reduce the physiological and biochemical reactions of Pleurotus eryngii, and delay its quality deterioration, and the best mass ratio is 1:4.