选取拌面酱、烤肉酱、肉汤汁等高、中、低三种不同黏度值的半固态复合调味料(SCC),存放于30 ℃,RH 50%恒温恒湿条件下,通过色泽、滋味和气味、状态的感官评价,及菌落总数、离心乳析率、黏度的跟踪检测,分析关键指标的变化及其与酱料品质特性的关系。结果表明:感官评价中的色泽、滋味和气味及状态随储藏时间的延长,由试验初期的10.0±0.0分不同程度地劣变至实验结束时的8.0±0.5,6.0±0.7及4.0±1.0分;其中高黏度值的拌面酱色泽易发生褐变,中黏度值的烤肉酱状态易稀化分解,低黏度值的肉汤汁容易风味变差和口感恶化。菌落总数随储藏时间的延长,由试验初期的<10 cfu/100 g不同程度地增长至实验结束时的200±13、420±10及860±10 cfu/100 g,低黏度值的肉汤汁明显会存在安全风险;离心乳析率随储存时间有不同程度的增加,其中中黏度值的烤肉酱由实验初期的0增加至试验结束时的20.3%±0.5%;黏度值随储存时间有不同程度的下降。结论:综合考虑调味酱的不同品质特性及其随储存时间的变化情况,建议常温储存条件下的保存期或保质期限可分别设置为:高黏度值的拌面酱为6个月,中黏度的烤肉酱为3个月,低黏度值的肉汤汁为2个月。
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Different varieties of Semi-solid composite condiments (SCC) with high, medium and low viscosity, such as noodle paste with high viscosity, barbecue sauce with medium viscosity and meat soup with low viscosity, were selected and stored at 30 ℃ and RH 50% of constant temperature and humidity respectively. The changes of key indicators and their relationship with the quality characteristics of sauce were analyzed by sensory evaluation of color, flavor, taste, texture, total colony count, centrifugal milk precipitation rate and viscosity. The results showed that the color, flavor, taste and texture of sensory evaluation deteriorated from 10.0±0.0 scores to the corresponding 8.0±0.5, 6.0±0.7 and 4.0±1.0 scores at the end of the experiment with the prolongation of the storage time. The noodle sauce with high viscosity tended to brown, the barbecue sauce with medium viscosity tended to dilute and decompose, and the meat sauce with low viscosity tended to deteriorate the flavor and taste. The total number of the colonies increased with the storage time from the initial<10 cfu/100 g respectively to 200±13、420±10 and 860±10 cfu/100 g at the end of the experiment, respectivly, obviously the meat soup with low viscosity would have safety risks; the centrifugal emulsification rate increased and the viscosity value decreased with storage time. The medium viscosity of barbecue sauce increased from 0 to 20.3%±0.5%. Conclusions: Considering the different quality characteristics of SCC and their changes with storage time, it is suggested that the shelf life of them should be set as follows: 6 months for noodle sauce with high viscosity, 3 months for barbecue sauce with medium viscosity and 2 months for meat soup with low viscosity.