本研究探讨了酸水热提、酶解、超声及酶解-超声四种提取方法对黄秋葵果胶含量及其结构特性的影响。酸水热提及酶解-超声联合法对黄秋葵果胶提取效果优于酶解和超声法;当干秋葵加入20倍pH 3 HCl水溶液,以70 ℃浸提1 h(酸水热提法)或添加3‰果胶酶、50 ℃酶解90 min后置于200 W超声波处理10 min(酶解-超声法)时,其果胶平均含量(以半乳糖醛酸质量分数计)达到43.61 g/kg及32.59 g/kg。四种提取方法所制果胶均为吡喃糖构型,但酸水热提及酶解法制备果胶的酯键易发生降解,其在1725 cm-1红外吸收峰有变弱甚至消失趋势;而超声或酶解-超声法处理则促进了果胶分子链断裂,其平均分子量由酸水热提法下533 ku分别降至420~467 ku、319 ku。研究结果表明:采用酸水热提法(pH 3、70 ℃)制备黄秋葵果胶,其果胶得率高、分子量分布集中、外观呈片状且排列致密。本研究结果为高品质秋葵果胶的制备奠定基础。
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The effects of four extraction methods such as hot acid-water extraction, enzymolysis, ultrasound, and enzymolysis-ultrasound treatment on the content and structural characteristics of the pectins from okra were studied, and the hot acid-water extraction and enzymolysis-ultrasound methods were found more effective. At the ratio of dried okra to the HCl aqueous solution (pH 3) of 1:20, the extraction at 70 ℃ for 1 h (the hot acid-water extraction method) or with addition of 3‰ of pectinase, and the digestion at 50 ℃ for 90 min followed by an ultrasound treatment at 200 W for 10 min (the enzymolysis-ultrasound method), led to a pectin content (as the galacturonic acid mass in okra) of 43.61 and 32.59 g/kg, respectively. All the pectins produced by the four extraction methods was in the pyranose configuration, but the ester bond in the pectins prepared via the hot acid-water extraction or the enzymolysis method tended to degrade, causing the infra-red adsorption peak at 1725 cm-1 to be weakened or even disappear. Whereas, the ultrasound methods or enzymolysis-ultrasound treatment promoted the breakage of the pectin molecular chain, making its average molecular weight decrease from 533 ku (by the hot acid-water method) to 420~467 ku and 319 ku. The results showed that the okra pectin prepared via the hot acid-water extraction method had a higher extraction yield and narrow molecular weight distribution with a flake-like and densely arranged appearance. The results of this research has laid the foundation for the preparation of high quality okra pectin.