本研究通过对所设计的特定全营养医用食品流变性、pH、渗透压等测定,旨在揭示流动性质、粘弹性和粘度的剪切时间依赖性等流变性指标的作用规律和调节机制。结果表明,未经增稠的特定全营养医用食品是粘度很低的牛顿流体(粘度仅约为0.01 Pa·s);而黄原胶具有良好的增稠效果,在黄原胶浓度仅为0.50%时,特定全营养医用食品初始粘度可达0.4 Pa·s,具有方便可调粘度、剪切变稀性质以及良好的粘弹性,流变性达到安全吞咽的食品流变性要求。黄原胶浓度为1%~2.50%时,具有适用于吞咽困难患者安全食用的流变pH和渗透压。黄原胶可以用来调节针对吞咽困难患者的特定全营养医用食品食用流变性。本文为特定全营养医用食品流变性的调节及其机制提供了实验依据和理论指导。
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This study aimed to reveal the mode of action and regulatory mechanism of rheology indices such as flow properties, viscoelasticity and shearing time-dependent viscosity, through analyzing the rheological properties, pH value and osmotic pressure of the designed complete nutrition medical food. The results showed that the unthickened specific complete nutrition medical food was a Newtonian fluid with a very low viscosity (only 0.01 Pa·s); Xanthan gum possesses a good thickening effect. Its addition at 0.50% could make the specific complete nutrition medical food possess an initial viscosity of 0.4 Pa·s, which meets the requirements for a desirable viscoelasticity with easy-to-adjust and shear-thinning characteristics. Its addition at 1%~2.50% made the rheological pH value and osmotic pressure of the medical food safe for consumption by dysphagia patients. Therefore, xanthan gum can be applied to adjust the rheological properties of the specific complete nutrition medical food for dysphagia. This paper provides the experimental basis and theoretical guidance for the regulation and mechanism of the rheological properties of the specific complete nutrition medical food.