本研究以粤东和粤西两个渔村为研究区域,以两地20种主产海水鱼为研究对象,开展了海水鱼总汞和甲基汞的污染调查研究。通过直接测汞仪法和高效液相色谱-在线紫外消解-原子荧光光谱法研究了卵形鲳鯵、多鳞鱚和马鲛鱼等20种133尾海水鱼肌肉组织的总汞(total mercury,T-Hg)和甲基汞(methyl mercury,MeHg)的总量与比值,结果显示:粤东某渔村海水鱼总汞含量为15.35~201.68 ng/g,甲基汞含量为8.32~200.20 ng/g,甲基汞含量所占总汞含量的比例平均为72.93%;粤西某渔村海水鱼总汞含量为11.32~156.00 ng/g,甲基汞含量为11.05~155.60 ng/g,甲基汞含量所占总汞含量的比例平均为83.39%。两渔村海水鱼汞含量均未超国标(GB 2762-2017)限量,而甲基汞在海水鱼肌肉中含量占总汞含量的比例平均值为76.45%,即甲基汞是汞在海水鱼肌肉中的主要赋存形态,海水鱼汞形态分布情况可能存在地域差异和品种差异。
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20 species of the local major producing marine fish in the eastern and western coastal regions of Guangdong province were selected for investigation of the total mercury and methyl mercury pollution of the marine fish. The direct mercury analyzer and the high performance liquid chromatography-online UV reduction-atomic fluorescence spectrometry were conducted to determine the contents of the two mercury species in 133 samples from 20 species of fish, like Trachinotus ovatus, Silver sillago, Scomberomorus niphonius, etc. The total mercury content (T-Hg) in marine fish from eastern Guangdong was ranged from 15.35 to 201.68 ng/g, while the methyl mercury content (MeHg) was ranged from 8.32 to 200.20ng/g, which accounted for 72.93% of the T-Hg content. Similarly, the T-Hg in marine fish from western Guangdong was ranged from11.32 to 156.00 ng/g, while the MeHg was ranged from 11.05 to 155.60 ng/g, which accounted for 83.39% of the T-Hg content. Neither of T-Hg and MeHg from the fish samples exceeded the GB2762-2017 China National Food Safety Standard in this study. Methyl mercury is the main species of mercury in fish muscle, and the average level of MeHg/T-Hg accounted for 76.45%. The varieties were also found from two aspects, including geographical diversities and fish category diversities.