为改善金枪鱼在常规冷藏中颜色褐变快,汁液流失严重,货架期短等情况,实验以空气包装为对照组,采用真空包装,气调包装(60% CO2+10% O2+30% N2),生物抗氧化剂(姜精油)结合气调包装(60% CO2+10% O2+30% N2)对金枪鱼在(0±1) ℃冷藏条件下进行保鲜实验,通过对金枪鱼感官、色差、汁液流失率、高铁肌红蛋白百分含量、K值、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)菌落总数和硫代巴比妥酸值(TBA)的测定,发现生物抗氧化剂结合气调包装能较好地保持金枪鱼品质,冷藏至8 d时,金枪鱼的菌落总数为3.74 logCFU/g,TVB-N值为21.3 mg/100 g,仍在金枪鱼生食标准范围内,与其他组相比,尤其是能有效的延缓金枪鱼颜色变化和减少汁液流失,并明显延长架期。
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To slow browning, reduce drip loss, and extend shelf life during cold storage of tuna (Thunnus obesus), fresh-keeping experiments were conducted during cold storage (0±1 ℃) involving air packaging (control), vacuum packaging, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP; 60% CO2+10% O2+30% N2), and biological antioxidants combined with MAP (60% CO2+10% O2+30% N2). Sensory evaluation was conducted, and the values of redness (a*), metmyoglobin content, drip loss, K-value, total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), 2-thiobarbituric acid, and total viable count (TVC) were measured. Results indicated that the biological antioxidants combined with MAP maintained tuna quality better than the other methods. After 8 d of storage, the TVC and TVB-N values were 3.74 log CFU/g and 21.3 mg/100 g, respectively, which were still lower than the limit for eating raw tuna. Compared with other MAP groups, biological antioxidants combined with MAP were capable of effectively delaying browning and reducing drip loss, thereby extending the shelf life of tuna during storage at 0±1 ℃.