研究不同干燥方式对金华火腿片品质的影响,采用热风干燥、冷冻干燥、真空干燥对金华火腿片进行干燥处理,从色泽、硬度、挥发性风味物质、复水性能等方面,分析并比较三种干燥方式对金华火腿片干燥后品质影响的差异性。研究表明:干燥方式对金华火腿片干燥前后总色差ΔE方面存在显著性影响(P<0.05),且真空干燥明显优于热风干燥及冷冻干燥;干燥后的金华火腿片硬度值较未干燥的新鲜火腿片硬度值变低,其中热风干燥后硬度降低值最小为2397.12 g,即与新鲜样品硬度最接近;真空干燥方式在挥发性风味物质含量中显著优于热风干燥和冷冻干燥,占全部提取物的98.69%;干燥方式对复水率与复原率均有显著影响(P<0.05),且冷冻干燥显著优于热风干燥和真空干燥,其复水率与复原率达到21.48%、75.60%。
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three drying different methods, namely hot air drying, freeze drying, and vacuum drying, on the quality of Jinhua ham slices. The color, hardness, volatile flavor substances, and rehydration characteristics as a function of drying method were analyzed. The drying method had a significant influence on the total color change (ΔE, P<0.05) of the Jinhua ham slices. Vacuum drying was much better than hot air drying and freeze drying. The hardness of dried Jinhua ham slices was less than that of fresh ham slices. Hot air drying caused the smallest reduction in hardness at 2397.12 g. Hence, the hardness of the ham slices after this treatment was the closest to that of fresh ham. However, vacuum drying was significantly better than the other two methods in terms of volatile flavor substance contents, which accounted for 98.68% of the total extracts. In addition, the drying method had a significant impact on the rehydration rate and recovery rate (P<0.05). Freeze drying was substantially better than hot air drying and vacuum drying, with the rehydration rate and recovery rate reaching 21.48% and 75.60%, respectively.