本文以拉伸强度(TS)、断裂伸长率(E)、透光率(T)、溶解度(S)、水蒸气透过性(WVP)和氧气透过性(OP)等为品质指标,研究了紫外辐照对蜂胶/纳米SiO2复合膜品质的影响。研究显示:随着辐照时间的延长,复合膜的TS和S先升高后降低、E和OP先降低后升高、T和WVP先降低后逐渐趋于不变,且紫外处理12 h复合膜的TS达到了最大值,较对照组提高了3.07 MPa,当辐照时间达到16 h时,S达到最大值,较对照组提高了5.68%,E、T、WVP和OP均在16 h时达到最小值,分别较对照组分别降低了2.88%、4.33%、2.13 g/(cm·s·Pa)和0.5 cm3/(m2·24 h·0.1 MPa)。通过主成分聚类分析法对试验结果进行多指标分析,结果显示,当辐照时间为16 h时,复合膜的综合得分最高,即此时复合膜的综合性能最好,这与单因素实验结果一致,因此,可以利用主成分聚类分析确定紫外辐照改性蜂胶/纳米SiO2复合膜的最佳处理时间。
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The effect of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on the quality indexes-TS (tensile strength), E (elongation), T (transmittance), S (solubility), WVP (water vapor permeability), and OP (oxygen permeability)-of propolis/nano silica composite film was investigated. The TS and S values of the film increased to a maximum and subsequently declined, while E and OP values decreased gradually and then increased; T and WVP values decreased and bottomed out gradually upon irradiation. The TS value of the film treated with UV irradiation for 12 h improved by 3.07 MPa, and a UV treatment of 16 h resulted in an increase of 5.68 in the S value as compared to that of the untreated control. Additionally, decreases of 2.88%, 4.33%, 5.26%, 2.13 g/(cm·s·Pa) and 0.5 cm3/(m2·24 h·0.1 MPa) in the E, T, S, WVP, and OP values respectively, were observed. Multiple index analysis of the test results by principal component and cluster analysis simultaneously indicated that the composite film showed good overall performance when the irradiation time was 16 h, which was in line with the results of the single factor experiment. Therefore, the optimal processing time of propolis/nanosilica composite film could be confirmed by principal component and cluster analysis.