通过分提得到的10度棕榈油必须进行物理精炼才能到达产品质量要求,但精炼后10度棕榈油的抗冻性能会变差,影响产品的透明度。为了减少物理精炼对精炼10度棕榈油抗冻性能的影响,本文以20 ℃冷冻实验时精炼10度棕榈油开始出现发蒙的时间为指标,研究了脱臭温度、脱臭时间、脱色时间、活性白土添加量4个因素在物理精炼过程中对其抗冻性能的影响。结果表明,脱臭温度、脱臭时间和活性白土添加量对精炼10度棕榈油的抗冻性能有影响,脱色时间对其没有影响。通过对比分析精炼前10度棕榈油和最优条件下精炼的10度棕榈油的抗冻性能、碘值和反式脂肪酸含量,最优的物理精炼条件确定为:脱色时间为20 min,活性白土添加量为1%,脱臭温度为230 ℃,脱臭时间为2 h。
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Ten-degree palm oil was produced by fractionation and physically refination to reach the product quality requirements. But the frost resistance of refined ten degree palm oil was worse, thus affecting product transparency. In order to reduce the effect of physical refined conditions on the frost resistance of refined ten degree palm oil, turbid phenomenon at 20 ℃ was used as a judicial indicator and the effects of deodorized temperature, deodorized time, bleached time and activated clay loading were investigated. The results showed that deodorized temperature, deodorized time and activated clay loading had effects on the frost resistance of refined ten degree palm oil, while bleached time had little effect on it. By comparing the frost resistance, iodine value, trans fatty acids of unrefined and refined ten degree palm oil,the optimal physical refined conditions were determined as follows: bleached time 20 min, activated clay loading 1%, deodorized temperature 230 ℃ and deodorized time 2 h.