本文采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法对进行了扑草净在海参中的生物富集规律的进行了研究。采用半静态水质接触曝污法,在15.0±1.0 ℃水温条件下,将海参分别浸浴于扑草净浓度1.00 μg/L、10.00 μg/L和200.00 μg/L水中进行富集试验。结果表明,在所研究的三个浓度中,扑草净在海参中的富集速度较快,随曝污质量浓度的增加,富集量逐渐增加,呈正相关关系;分别在第1 d、3 d和4 d达到富集最大值,富集最大值分别为4.70 μg/kg、43.80 μg/kg和674.00 μg/kg;最大富集系数分别为4.70、4.38和3.37。富集系数随曝污质量浓度的增加而减小,呈负相关关系。将达到稳定状态的海参转移至洁净水中进行消除试验,低质量浓度下,均在第2 d降至未检出,在高曝污质量浓度下,从第7 h至46 d共取样14次,测定海参中扑草净含量,其浓度范围为23.70±3.07 μg/kg。本研究所得的药时曲线可为海参扑草净污染的净化提供数据支持。
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Accumulation of Prometryn in Apostichopus japonicus under laboratory conditions was studied using ultra performance liquid chromatogram tandem mass spectrometry. Apostichopus japonicus was divided randomly, and then exposed to water containing 1.00 μg/L, 10.00 μg/L and 200.00 μg/L Prometryn at 15.0±1.0 ℃. After exposure, apostichopus japonicus was placed into clean water for the subsequent elimination experiment. The accumulation amount increased with the increase of Prometryn concentration, presenting significantly positive correlation. The highest concentrations (Cmax) of enriched Prometryn for the three concentrations were 4.70 μg/kg, 43.80 μg/kg and 674.00 μg/kg when placed for 1 d, 3 d and 4 d, and the biggest bioconcentration factors (BCF) were 4.70, 4.38 and 3.37. BCF decreased with the increase of the Prometryn concentration, presenting significantly inverse correlation. When Apostichopus japonicus was bred in clean water, Prometryn accumulated was eliminated rapidly. Prometryn was no detected at 2 d. Dtermination performed for 14 times from 7 h to 46 d, showed 23.70±3.07 μg/kg of Prometryn in Apostichopus japonicus. The accumulation and elimination curves of Prometryn in Apostichopus japonicus provided useful information for decontamination of aquatic organisms that have Prometryn contamination.