将3种角质化率有显著差异的小麦品种增水调节至临界安全水分附近进行模拟储藏试验,结果表明,这几种小麦在水分13.5%、30 ℃条件下储藏28 d后,小麦籽粒上霉菌含量的增速存在较大差异,冀麦38和矮抗58的带菌量增加速率均非常显著地高于温麦6(p<0.01)。进一步的研究证明,温麦6对灰绿曲霉(Aspergillus glaucus)的生长有明显的抑制作用,在30 ℃、25 ℃、20 ℃和15 ℃的各种温度和相应的临界水分下进行储藏试验,温麦6中的灰绿曲霉生长迟后时间均达到或超过7 d;将干燥小麦置于RH 85%高湿环境下进行吸湿模拟储藏,温麦6中的灰绿曲霉生长迟后时间达14 d。因而,质地偏软的温麦6在相同的储藏条件下具有更强的抗霉变特性。
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Modeling storage of three wheat cultivars with different vitreosity were studied at critical moisture content. The results showed that the increased ratios of mould count on each wheat seeds varied significantly. After stored at 30 ℃ and 13.5% moisture content for 28 days, mould counts in Jimai 38 and Aikang 58 increased significantly faster (p<0.01) than that in Wenmai 6. Further study demonstrated that Wenmai 6 could resist the growth of Aspergillus glaucus. Under different storage temperatures (30 ℃, 25 ℃, 20 ℃ and 15 ℃) and their corresponding critical moisture contents, the growth of Aspergillus glaucus in Wenmai 6 was postponed for over 7 days compared to its growth in Jimai 38 and Aikang 58. In addition, moisture absorption tests were performed for the three dry wheat cultivars under 85% relative humidity condition and the growth of Aspergillus glaucus in Wenmai 6 was postponed for 14 days. Therefore, the softer wheat Wenmai 6 had a stronger anti-mould activity than the others under the same storage condition.