以氢氧化钾作为活化剂来制备油茶果壳活性炭,分别考察了活化剂浓度,料液比,活化温度,活化时间对活性炭产品碘吸附值、亚甲基蓝脱色率的影响,然后通过正交试验优化,得出最佳制备工艺为:温度700 ℃,料液比1:5,活化剂浓度6 mol/L,活化时间90 min,所得成品亚甲基蓝脱色率达到96.25%,脱色效果良好;碘吸附值达到1145.59 mg/g,吸附性能优良,符合商品活性炭标准。
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The preparation of activated carbon from camellia nutshell was introduced, using potassium hydroxide as the catalyst. The influences of activator concentration, ratio of solid to liquid, activation temperature and activation time on iodine sorption value and methylene blue decolorization rate of activated carbon were studied. The orthogonal results showed that the best preparation conditions were as follows: activation temperature 700℃, the ratio of solid to liquid 1:5, the concentration of catalyst 6mol/L and activating time 90 minutes. Then the decolorization rate and the iodine sorption value got up to 96.25% and 1145.59 mg/g,respectively, which conformed to the standards of commercial activated carbon.