以荧光纳米微球标记抗体,建立免疫层析检测方法,配合荧光定量仪,可高灵敏度地检测样本中4种四环素类药物的残留含量,实现鲜奶中所含四环素类药物的总量检测。结果表明,本方法对四环素的检测下限达10 μg/L,对金霉素、土霉素、多西环素回收率均达70%以上,除了与链霉素有0.32%的交叉反应率外,与其他药物没有交叉反应,整个检测过程只需15 min左右。通过建立的荧光定量免疫层析法,实现了四环素总量的快速定量检测。
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A immunochromatographic method was developed by antibody labeled by fluorescent nanoparticles and using fluorescent immunoassay(FIA) meter of Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd. With this method, the concentration of four kinds of tetracyclines residue could be detected highly-sensitively with the purpose of determination of total amount of tetracyclines in fresh milk. The results showed that the limit of detection for tetracycline was 10 μg/L and the recovery rates for chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline and doxycycline were more than 70%. The kit had no cross-reactivity with other drugs besides that the cross-reactivity towards streptomycin was 0.32%. The whole detection process could be performed in about 15 minutes. The rapid quantitative determination of total amount of tetracyclines was realized by means of fluorescent quantitative immunochromatographic method developed.