为提高Acetobacter xylinum CGMCC5173生产细菌纤维素(BC)的产量,对该菌生产BC的条件进行优化。研究表明,采用CJMF培养基,培养到第二代时BC产量最高,达到43.91 g/L;采用HMF培养基,当接种量为10%,蔗糖、乙酸钠、乙醇和L-乳酸的含量分别为10%、1.0%、1.5%和0.25%时,细菌纤维素产量最高,分别达到14.79 g/L、7.47 g/L、4.24 g/L、40.07 g/L和21.92 g/L;而D-乳酸越多,BC产量越低;采用80% HMF与20% CJMF混合复配的发酵液,BC的产量最高为29.30 g/L。结果表明,控制A. xylinum 5173的培养代数和用HMF与CJMF复配的发酵液可稳定和有效地提高BC产量。
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In order to improve the yield of Bacterial Cellulose fermented by Acetobacter xylinum CGMCC5173, the optimum conditions for fermentation were investigated. The result showed that, in CJMF medium, BC production reached the highest as 43.91 g/L when A. xylinum 5173 was cultivated to the second generation. In HMF medium, when the quantity of inoculums content, sucrose, sodium acetate, ethanol and L-lactic acid are 10%, 10%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 0.25% respectively, BC production were enhanced up to their peak, as 14.79 g/L, 7.47 g/L, 4.24g/L, 40.07 g/L and 21.92 g/L. However,the higher the D-lactic content was, the less the BC content was found. When the medium was mixed 20% CJMF with 80 % HMF, the BC yield was highest as 29.30 g/L. The results indicated that controlling cultivation generation and using mixed medium of HMF and CJMF can improve the BC yield steadily and effectively.