本文运用超声波细胞破碎仪,对浆液进行超声波处理,并采用Design-Expert 软件的中心组合设计方法设计响应面试验,建立了数学模型,通过进行验证实验,得到了最优的提取工艺条件为液固比为28:1、超声时间6 s、次数40次、时间间隔2 s。在此条件下,SOD的活性为359.54 U/g鲜重,与模型预测值的比较误差为1.01%。
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The slurry was treated by ultrasonic cell disrupter, and the experiment was verified. Response surface design was generated by the Design-Expert software according to the central composite design principle and a mathematical model was set up. The optimal extraction conditions were found as liquid-to-solid ratio of 28:1 and ultrasonic time of 6s and 40 times and time interval of 2s. Under these conditions, the yield of SOD was 359.54 U/g, and compared with the model prediction, the error was 1.01%.