研究了滚揉时间和食盐浓度,滚揉时间和焦磷酸盐(PP)浓度以及PP、三聚磷酸盐(TPP)、六偏磷酸盐(HMP)和滚揉时间对肉块腌制液吸收保留和蒸煮得率的影响。以猪里脊肉为研究材料,垂直于肌纤维方向切成2 cm肉块和腌制液混合滚揉腌制,研究不同处理条件下,腌制液吸收百分比、腌制液吸收率、腌制液保留量、腌制液保留百分比及蒸煮得率的变化情况。试验结果表明,随着滚揉时间、食盐浓度和PP浓度增加,腌制液吸收百分比逐渐增加,分别达到了38.7%和38.2%,但腌制液吸收率在滚揉2 h内是较大的,随着滚揉时间的延长逐渐减小。不同磷酸盐都提高了腌制液的吸收百分比和腌制液保留量,它们对腌制液吸收百分比和保留量的影响效益顺序是:PP>TPP>HMP。除了空白处理组外,随着滚揉时间、食盐浓度和PP浓度的增加,蒸煮得率逐渐增加,分别达到了94.6%和113.5%。不同磷酸盐都提高了滚揉腌制肉块的蒸煮得率,它们对蒸煮得率的影响效益顺序是PP>TPP>HMP。随着滚揉时间的延长,蒸煮得率分别达到了106.7 %、102.5%、88.2%。
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In this experiment, the effects of tumbling time and salt or PP concentration in marinade, different phosphate (PP TPP HMP) and tumbling time on marinade absorption and retention in meat slice and cooking yield of meat slice were studied. Using pork longissimus dorsi as materials, the meat was cut to 2cm slice at vertical muscle fiber. Then tumbled with marinade, the variety of marinade absorption, rate of marinade absorption, marinade retention, percentage of marinade retention were investigated under different conditions. The result in experiment indicated: marinade absorption gradually improved , respectively arrive at 38.7% and 38.2% along with the tumbling time salt and PP concentration increasing , but rate of marinade absorption was superior during the tumbling time of 2 h. gradually decreased along with the time extending. Different phosphate all mproved the marinade absorption , marinade retention, the influence sequence of different phosphate was PP>TPP>HMP. Except for control group, cooking yield gradually improved along with the tumbling time salt and PP concentration increasing, arriving at 94.6% and 113.5%, respectively. Different phosphate all improved the cooking yield of tumbled meat, the influence sequence of different phosphate was PP>TPP>HMP. Cooking yield reached 106.7 %, 102.5% and 88.2% along with the tumbling time extending.