以新疆赛买提杏为试材,在杏的坐果期、膨大期、转色期及采收前48 h用分子量为5000浓度分别为0.01%、0.05%、0.25%的壳寡糖溶液喷施杏树, 采收后的杏果实贮藏在温度为4 ℃、相对湿度90%~95%的冷库中,定期测定杏果实的品质指标,研究采前壳寡糖处理对杏果实贮藏品质的影响。实验结果表明:0.05%浓度壳寡糖处理效果最好,能有效地抑制杏果实贮藏期间的发病率,保持杏果实的硬度和叶绿素含量,降低杏果实的失重率,延缓抗坏血酸和可滴定酸含量的降低和可溶性固形物含量的上升。
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The Saimaiti apricot fruit were used to study how pre-harvest oligochitosan treatment affect the storage quality and post-harvest physiology of the apricot fruit. During the four periods of fruit phrase, fruit-development,veraison and 48h before harvest, the apricot trees were spayed on with 0.01%, 0.05% or 0.25% chitosan solution (molecular weight 5000) respectively and stored at 4 ℃, 90~95% RH after harvesting. The physiological and biochemical indexes of apricot fruit were evaluated during storage. Results showed that oligochitosan treatment was most effective in maintaining the quality. This treatment can also prolong storage period of fruits by modulating the ripening and senescence of fruit cells. The qualities and indexes of apricot fruits treated by pre-harvest 0.05% oligochitosan were superior to other testing group.