通过对以麦芽糊精为底物,合成β-环糊精过程中工艺参数的研究,为环糊精生产提供参数指导。经试验得出最佳参数为:添加10% (V/V)环己烷,以DE 5.80的麦芽糊精为底物,底物浓度15~20% (m/V),反应温度50 ℃,反应pH 8.5,加酶量5 U/g淀粉,反应时间5~10 h的条件下,β-环糊精得率最高。
[Key word]
In order to provide guidance for producing cyclodextrin, the process parameters of β-ctclodextrin synthesized from maltedextrin were studied. Under laboratory conditions, high yidld of β- ctclodextrin was reached under the following optimal parameters: 10% (V/V) cyclohexane, DE 5.80 maltodextein, substrate concentration of 15-20% (m/V), 5 U/g enzyme, the pH of reaction mixtrure 8.5, reaction temperature at 50 ℃, and reaction time 5-10 hours.