根据栅栏技术因子保鲜理论,采用多种栅栏因子的科学组合,对麻糬生产进行综合防腐的研究。结果表明:产品水分活度0.83+防腐配方(山梨酸钾0.6 mg/kg、脱氢乙酸钠0.2 mg/kg)+芝麻处理(0.02 MPa蒸汽蒸30 min、150 ℃烘烤45 min)+紫外线杀菌处理(4 W/m2,35 min),产品能在常温下(15~20 ℃)保存60 d不变质、不长霉。
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The results indicated that the treated product would be kept at a range of room temperature (15-20°C) for 60 days without degeneration and mildew when the following hurdle factors for raw material sesame were adopted (pressure 0.02 MPa, vapor-treatment time 30 minutes, roast temperature 150 ℃, roast time 45minutes, water activity 0.83,potassium sorbate 0.6 mg/kg ,sodium dehydroacetate 0.2 mg/kg and UV sterilization time 35 minute at 4 W/m2).