以新鲜三华李为主要原料,对三华李果糕的制作配方进行了研究。以色泽、口感、形态等感官质量评价为考察指标,通过正交实验优化,得到三华李果糕复配甜味剂的最佳配方:纽甜2.5 g/kg,甜蜜素6.0 g/kg,糖精钠1.51 g/kg,甜菊糖1.0 g/kg。采用此配方制作的三华李果糕产品为棕褐色,酸甜适口,口感细腻,组织柔软,富有弹性,有嚼头,无硬皮,无气泡,无返砂现象,具有三华李果特有的色香味与营养。
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Using the fresh Sanhua plum as the raw material, the processing technology and formula of Sanhua plum fruit cake were studied. Sensory evaluations such as color, texture and shape were taken as survey indicators. The formula of sweetening agents was optimized through orthogonal test as follows: neotame 2.5 g/kg, sodium cyclamate 6.0g/kg, saccharin sodium 1.51g/kg and stevioside 1.0g/kg. The product with the flavor and nutraiton of Sanhua plum could be prepared. The product had a tan color, sweet and sour taste and soft and elastic feeling.