本试验以脱盐率达84.88 %的咸鸭蛋蛋清蛋白质为原料,通过对胰蛋白酶、复合风味蛋白酶及木瓜蛋白酶进行筛选,并在确定了以胰蛋白酶和复合风味蛋白酶作为水解酶的条件下,通过对酶解时间、复合风味蛋白酶的添加时间、底物浓度、不同酶用量复配、pH值和酶解温度等影响酶解效果的条件进行单因素试验,得到的结果是:利用胰蛋白酶和复合风味蛋白酶对脱盐咸蛋清蛋白质进行酶解时,应该在添加胰蛋白酶酶解处理1 h后,再添加复合风味蛋白酶,复合酶解效果最理想;其它理想的酶解条件为:底物浓度5.0 %,胰蛋白酶酶用量4000 U/g(sub),复合风味蛋白酶用量700 U/g(sub),pH值8.5,酶解温度50 ℃。
[Key word]
Enzymatic hydrolysis of the salt-pickled duck egg whit with the desaltification rate up to 84.88% was investigated. Trypsin and flavourzyme were chosen as biocatalysts for the reaction. Reults showed that flavourzyme should be added after the trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of the salt-pickled duck egg whit had been carried out for 1 h. And the optimal substrate concentration, Trypsin dosage, flavourzyme enzymes, pH value and temperature were 5 %, 4000 U/g(sub), 700 U/g(sub), 8.5 and 50 ℃, respectively.