超市已成为城市家庭采购食品的主要渠道。其所销售食品质量,影响到广大消费者的身体健康和生命安全。HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)是一种针对食品安全的质量管理体系,已被国际权威机构认可为控制由食品引起的疾病、确保食品安全最有效的方法。本文分析了在超市生鲜建立和实施HACCP体系的可行性,旨在建议超市生鲜区实施HACCP体系,实现科学化管理,以提高超市食品安全卫生质量。
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Nowadays, supermarkets play important roles in our life as they have become main food purchase channel and the qualities of food sold here greatly affect our health. HACCP system has been accepted as the best way to ensure the food’s safety and prevent the illness cause by food. Here, the feasibility of establishment and application of the HACCP system in raw-fresh areas of supermarkets was analyzed to well control the food quality.