本文对两株应用于动物微生态制剂生产的鸡源双歧杆菌B171和鸡源乳酸杆菌M16的混合发酵工艺进行了研究。研究表明,B171和M16混合发酵的最适培养温度为40 ℃,初始发酵pH为7.0,最佳接种比例为5%:5%;发酵流程为先接种B171,发酵6 h后再接种M16,混合发酵11 h后终止。
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The mixed culture fermentation properties of Bifidobacterium Pullorum B171 and Lactobacillus Acidophilus M16 were studied. The major result was follows: The optimized mix culture fermentation conditions of B171 and M16 were: pH value of media was 7.0, temperature was 40 ℃. The process of mix culture fermentation was inoculating B171 first and inoculating M16 6 hours later. The terminal time was 11 h after mixed culture fermentation.