本文对香蕉低温吸附干燥过程中体积收缩的特性进行了实验研究,分析了脱水量与收缩率之间的关系,过程引入体积收缩系数和各向同性度的概念,考虑收缩效应对香蕉低温吸附干燥过程传热和传质的影响,将其归纳在扩散系数中,修正为有效扩散系数 ,并推导出 的计算公式。
[Key word]
The shrinkage characteristics of banana during its drying by absorption under low temperature were investigated here. The relationship between reduced volume and removed moisture was discussed and some definitions, including Volume Shrinkage Coefficient and Shrinkage Isotropy Ratio, were also introduced. Shrinkage was considered to be a factor of diffusion coefficient due to its influences on heat and mass transfer and the corresponding corrective diffusion coefficient was deduced.