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Modern Food Science and Technology



1. Effect of polysaccharides from wild jujube on acute liver injury induced by CCl4 in mice

Zhang, Hui-Fang (Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacy College of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China); Zhou, Yu-ZhenChen, Jia-LuChen, Shi-RuDing, Hong  Source: Modern Food Scienceand Technology, v 30, n 9, p 33-37 and 113, September 15, 2014 

2. Supramolecular interaction of Litsea cubeba essential oil with β-cyclodextrin and physicochemical properties of the complex

Kuang, Chun-Tao (College of Material Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, China); Li, Xiang-ZhouHan, Yan-LiWang, Ling-ZhiZhang, Shan-Lin  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 13-19, September 15, 2014 

3. Apoptosis in Jurkat cells induced by Lfcin from different sources

Zhao, Ning (College of Food Science Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China); Xu, Xiao-XiWang, JingZhang, Yan-JieZhang, Shu-Yi  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 20-25 and 66, September 15, 2014 

4. Effect of acid hydrolysis time on the structure and properties of rice starches

Chen, Pei (College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China); Zhao, BingLiu, Hong-ShengZhang, XiaoLi, Yuan-Zhi  Source: Modern Food Science andTechnology, v 30, n 9, p 92-95 and 125, September 15, 2014 

5. Variation in volatile components of grass carp muscle under different storage conditions

Wang, Jian-Hui (Hunan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Food Processing of Aquatic Biotic Resources, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha, China); Yang, JingLiu, Yong-LeChen, QiYu, JianWang, Fa-XiangLi, Xiang-Hong  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 297-303, September 15, 2014 

6. Effect of pre-slaughter transport time on lamb quality

Xia, An-Qi (Institute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China); Li, XinChen, LiChen, Li-JuanLiu, YueZhang, De-Quan  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 230-235, September 15, 2014 

7. Recombinant expression of fructosyl transferase gene of Aspergillus oryzae in Escherichia coli

Wang, Yu-Hai (School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China); Yue, JuanWang, PengLin, Xiao-ShanZhang, Yi  Source: Modern FoodScience and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 67-72 and 178, September 15, 2014

8. Effect of microwave inactivation on oatmeal quality

Gu, Jun-Qiang (Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China); Zhong, KuiZhou, Su-MeiTong, Li-TaoLiu, Li-YaZhou, Xian-RongWang, Li  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 241-245 and 274, September 15, 2014

9. Effect of curdlan on gelling properties of trichiuruslepturus muscle protein

Liu, Wen-Juan (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Fuli Institute of Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China); Chen, YaoJiang, Qing-QingLu, JunDong, Kai-ChengHu, Ya-Qin  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 126-133, September 15, 2014 

10. Prevalence and ERIC-PCR typing of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 in meat and vegetables

Lai, Ze-Bing (Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, State Key Laboratory of Applied Microbiology Southern China, Guangdong Open Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Guangzhou, China); Zhang, Shu-HongZhu, Xue-MeiWu, Qing-PingXu, Ming-FangZhang, Ju-Mei  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 290-296, September 15, 2014 

11. Determination of seeded metastable zone width of L-arabinose by an automated temperature logging device

Hu, Biao (College of Light Industry and Food Science and Technology, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China); Zhang, Ping-JunHuang, KaiZhang, Xin-LinYu, Shu-Juan Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 246-252, September 15, 2014

12. The quality assessment of edible oils and fats by LF-NMR coupled with PCA

Zhao, Ting-Ting (Institute of Food Safety and Quality, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China); Wang, XinLu, Hai-YanLiu, Bao-Lin  Source: Modern Food Scienceand Technology, v 30, n 9, p 179-185, September 15, 2014 

13. Analysis of volatile components and fatty acids derived from Eriocheir sinensis gonad before and after cooking

Gao, Xian-Chu (College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, China); Wang, Xi-ChangGu, Sai-QiTao, Ning-PingZhuang, JingXie, Yu-CenZou, LeiLiu, Ming-Ying  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 265-274, September 15, 2014 

14. Effect of NaNO3 on Nostoc flagelliforme growth under intermittent flow of CO2

Lv, He-Xin (Tianjin Key Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology, School of Bioengineering, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, China); Jia, Shi-RuShen, Shi-GangCui, Xiang-GanYuan, Nan-Nan  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 186-191, September 15, 2014

15. Effect of freeze-processing on the microstructure and physicochemical properties of soybean oil

Wang, Li-Li (College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China); Li, Zai-Gui  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 173-178,September 15, 2014 

16. Determination of penicillin in honey by the nano-Ag / horseradish peroxidase self assembly immunosensor

Du, Ping (Department of Chemical Engineering, Binzhou University, Binzhou, China); Shang, Xi-LiGao, Zhi-JieYue, WuLi, Chang-Hai  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 253-257, September 15, 2014 

17. Structural characterization of a nano-TiO2/SiO2 composite film and its preservative effect on Agaricus bisporus

Zhang, Rong-Fei (School of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo; Shandong, China); Wang, Xiang-YouLiu, Zhan-Li  Source: Modern Food Science andTechnology, v 30, n 9, p 134-141, September 15, 2014 

18. Identifying the age and geographical origin of Chinese rice wine by olfactory fingerprints

Yu, Hai-Yan (School of Perfume and Aroma Technology, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai , China); Wang, LiHe, Lan-LanDai, XinYao, Gui-YanWang, Jun-Kui  Source: Modern FoodScience and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 258-264, September 15, 2014

19. Change in iron, zinc, and copper concentrations during vinegar production

Xu, Qing-Ping (School of Food and Biological Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, China); Meng, JunZhang, Yan-Li  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 199-204 and 229, September 15, 2014

20. Separation and identification of dominant bacterial strains producing amino acid decarboxylase in Xinjiang smoked horsemeat sausage

Li, Rui-Ting (Food College, Shihezi University, Shihezi, China); Lu, Shi-LingLi, Kai-XiongMa, Yu-XiaZhang, Hui-Chao  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 85-91 and 172,September 15, 2014

21. Study of EGCG3"Me content in Zijuan tea

Lv, Hai-Peng (Key Lab of Tea Biology and Resources Utilization, Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou, China); Yang, TingLiang, Ming-ZhiWang, Li-BoZhang, YueLin, Zhi  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 286-289 and 296, September 15, 2014 

22. Effect of ultrahigh-pressure and mild-temperature processing on quality and sterility of coconut puree

Wan, Bin (College of Food Science, Hainan University, Haikou, China); Duan, Zhen-HuaLuo, Shan-ShanLuo, WeiHu, Jing  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 222-229,September 15, 2014 

23. Gelling properties of high-acyl gellan gum based on the stress relaxation theorem

Chen, Qing (Department of Applied Chemistry, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China); Zheng, Peng-FeiWang, Lei  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 38-43,September 15, 2014 

24. Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on performance of propolis/nano silica composite film

Zhang, Bei (Food Science Research Institute of Bohai University, Food Safety Key Lab of Liaoning Province, Jinzhou, China); Han, Peng-XiangFeng, Xu-QiaoDuan, Xiao-Ming  Source: ModernFood Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 192-198 and 185, September 15, 2014 

25. Mass transfer process of peanut protein extracted by enzyme-containing reverse micelles

Yang, Chen-Xian (College of Food Science and Technology, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, China); Chen, Fu-ShengLiu, Kun-LunBu, Guan-HaoXu, Wei-He  Source: Modern FoodScience and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 60-66, September 15, 2014 

26. Isolation and properties of lactococcuslactis strain from kefir grains

Guo, Li-Dong (College of Pharmacy, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin, China); Liu, QianJiang, Liu-QingLiu, Xiao-YanMeng, Dan  Source: Modern Food Science andTechnology, v 30, n 9, p 121-125, September 15, 2014 

27. Isolation and identification of bacteria and yeast from Chinese traditional sourdough

Liu, Tong-Jie (College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science of Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Food Microbiology, Fuli Institute of Food Science of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China); Li, YunWu, Shi-RongJin, Le-TianZhang, Guo-HuaYang, Huan-YiHe, Guo-Qing  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 114-120 and 148,September 15, 2014

28. Effect of frozen storage after different washing methods on functional properties of myofibrillar proteins in Cyprinuscarpio

Li, Yan-Qing (College of Food Science, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing, China); Kong, Bao-HuaXia, Xiu-FangChen, Hong-Sheng  Source: Modern Food Science andTechnology, v 30, n 9, p 166-172, September 15, 2014 

29. Performance study on microemulsion lyophilized powder of evening primrose oil

Wu, Hong-Yan (College of Food and Biological Engineering, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar, China); Sun, Chang-BaoLiu, NingGuo, Cheng-Yu  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 109-113, September 15, 2014 

30. Effect of moisture content on glass transition temperature and diffusion properties of low-molecular-weight sugars by molecular dynamics simulation

Zhou, Guo-Hui (State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China); Liu, Cheng-MeiWan, JieAi, Yi-MinWang, Ling-HuaLuo, Da-Wen  Source:Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 154-160 and 165, September 15, 2014

31. Effect of propyl gallatein different concentrations on preservation of fresh-cut ginger root

Ding, Jun (College of Food Science and Engineering, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, China); Yang, Shao-LanWu, HaoWang, Cheng-Rong  Source: Modern Food Science andTechnology, v 30, n 9, p 236-240 and 279, September 15, 2014

32. Comparison of the content, antioxidant activity, and α-glucosidase inhibitory effect of polysaccharides from Momordicacharantia L. species

Deng, Yuan-Yuan (State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming, China); Zhang, Ming-WeiLiu, Jie-QingZhang, YanZhang, Rui-FenWei, Zhen-ChengTi, Hui-HuiLiu, LeiQiu, Ming-Hua  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 102-108, September 15, 2014 

33. Relationship between the characteristics of dough pieces and the rheological properties of dough during noodle production

Jing, Peng (College of Food Science and Technology, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, China); Zheng, Xue-LingLiu, ChongXu, Tian-YunLiu, Lin  Source: Modern Food Science andTechnology, v 30, n 9, p 73-78 and 191, September 15, 2014 

34. Effect of high solid content on enzymolysis by yeasts and antioxidant activity of the products

Cui, Chun (College of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China); Wang, Hai-PingQian, Yang-PengZhao, Mou-MingSun, Wei-Zheng  Source:Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 161-165, September 15, 2014 

35. Effect of glycerol on nano SiOx-chitosan coating synthesized in situ

Sun, Tong (College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Food Safety, Research Institute of Food Science, Bohai University, Jinzhou, China); Hao, HanHao, Wen-TingWu, Chao-LingLi, Jian-Rong  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 142-148, September 15, 2014 

36. Effects of acetic acid on the growth and metabolic activity of Acetobacter pasteurianus

Zheng, Yu (Key Laboratory of Industrial Fermentation Microbiology, College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, China); Jiang, Chun-YueChen, Xing-JingYang, ShengWang, Min  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 149-153, September 15, 2014 

37. Degradation of aflatoxin B1 in soybean by ultraviolet and γ irradiation

Zhang, Zhen-Shan (College of Food Science and Technology, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, China)  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 217-221,September 15, 2014 

38. Expression profile of S2P homologsgene sll0528 in Synechocystissp.6803 under multiple stress conditions

Chen, Gu (College of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China); Wang, Yu-Ling  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 44-48 and 54, September 15, 2014 

39. Purification and activity of human peroxiredoxin 1 expressed in E.coli

Mao, Shuang (School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China); Chen, Shao-PeiYan, ShengWang, Hai-YingNing, Zheng-XiangLi, ShanWang, Ju-Fang  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 55-59, September 15, 2014 

40. Purification and structural analysis of a polysaccharide from lentinusedodes extracted using an acid solution

Mei, Guang-Ming (Marine Fishery Research Institute of Zhejiang Province, Zhoushan, China); Hao, QiangZhang, Xiao-JunGuo, Yuan-MingChen, Xue-Chang  Source: Modern Food Science andTechnology, v 30, n 9, p 79-84, September 15, 2014 

41. PCR-DGGE to detect bacterial flora change in liquid-smoked tilapia fillets during storage

Chen, Sheng-Jun (Key Laboratory of Aquatic Product Processing, Ministry of Agriculture South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou, China); Cai, Qiu-XingLi, Lai-HaoYang, Xian-QingQi, BoMa, Hai-XiaWu, Yan-YanCen, Jian-Wei  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 49-54, September 15, 2014

42. Chromatographic characterization of organic acids in Prunus mume and its application

Lin, Yao-Sheng (Sericulture and Agri-Food Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, China); Liu, Xue-MingZhong, Wei-XiongWang, Si-YuanYang, Chun-YingTang, Qiu-Shi  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 280-285, September 15, 2014 

43. Extraction of papain by ionic liquid/aqueous two-phase system and optimization of process conditions

Wang, Wei-Tao (College of Food Science and Technology, Haikou, China); Zhang, Hai-DeJiang, Zhi-GuoXu, Ying-HaoDong, An-HuaPeng, JianYang, Xue-Fang  Source: Modern FoodScience and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 210-216, September 15, 2014 

44. Mechanism of sepia ink polypeptide-induced apoptosis in DU-145 prostate cancer cells

Jing, Yi-Wen (School of Food Science and Pharmacy of Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhejiang Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center of Marine Biomedical Products, Zhoushan, China); Yang, Zui-SuHuang, Fang-FangYu, DiDing, Guo-Fang  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 1-6, September 15, 2014

45. ELISA-based method to detect microbial transglutaminase in frozen surimi

Li, Yi (Staten Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China); Fan, Da-MingGu, Zhen-NanHuang, Jian-LianLian, Hui-ZhangZhao, Jian-XinChen, WeiZhang, Hao  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 275-279, September 15, 2014 

46. Anti-tumor effect of an acid polysaccharide from Gracilaria lemaneiformis in H22-bearing mice

Fan, Yan-Li (School of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan , China); Zheng, Guo-QiangLiu, An-Jun  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 7-12 and 141, September 15, 2014 

47. Effect of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on structural changes in meat myofibrillar protein during ageing

Zhang, Yu-Lin (Departrment of Food Science and Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China); Cao, Jin-XuanPan, Dao-DongOu, Chang-RongShen, Jian-Liang  Source: Modern FoodScience and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 26-32 and 108, September 15, 2014 

48. Effect of vacuum concentration on nutritive quality and flavor of green asparagus juice

Chen, Xue-Hong (College of Food Engineering, Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou, China); Ma, Li-HuaSong, HuiSun, HongZheng, Yong-Hua  Source: Modern Food Science andTechnology, v 30, n 9, p 205-209 and 216, September 15, 2014 

49. Application of dense-phase carbon dioxide in the processing of meat and aquatic products

Chen, Ya-Li (Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Product Processing and Safety, College of Food Science and Technology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China); Qu, Xiao-JuanGuo, Ming-HuiLiu, Shu-ChengJi, Hong-WuHao, Ji-Ming  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 304-311 and 285, September 15, 2014 

50. Exploration on mechanism of killing molds in corn by microwave treatment

Xu, Yan-Yang (College of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, China); Yu, JingQiu, Yang  Source: Modern Food Science and Technology, v 30, n 9, p 96-101,September 15, 2014 




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