抹茶是一种由茶叶加工而成的粉末,具有独特的绿茶风味和色泽。抹茶不仅拥有传统茶叶的健康功效, 还具备食品加工特性,已被广泛应用于饮料和食品生产。该文综述了抹茶的发展历史、理化性质以及潜在的健康功效, 如抗炎、提高认知能力、减轻代谢综合征症状等。此外,从提取方法和检测技术方面探讨了抹茶因全价利用茶叶而 带来的潜在塑化剂风险,提出针对茶产品建立稳定、可靠的邻苯二甲酸酯分析方法是实现抹茶塑化剂风险评估和有 效控制的必要前提。
[Key word]
Matcha is a powder made from tea leaves and has a unique green tea flavor and color. Matcha has been widely used in beverage and food production for its health benefits and food processing properties. This study reviews the development history, physicochemical properties, and potential health benefits of matcha, including anti-inflammatory effects, promotion of cognitive improvement, and alleviation of metabolic syndrome symptoms. The potential plasticizing risks of matcha upon full utilization of tea leaves were discussed relative to each extraction method and detection technique. This discussion suggests that a stable and reliable method for analyzing phthalates in tea products must be developed to assess the associated risks and effectively control plasticizers in matcha.